Is Design Dead?

The main article in this post is the one written by Martin Fowler and it responds to the name of Is Design Dead? This article describes how extreme programming is one of the causes that has led to the fact that predesign is so deficient, the article also seeks to highlight how design has passed into the background and how this is considered a really big problem for developers. Why does the design take a back seat? and Why consider that it is dying? It turns out that nowadays it is simpler or more commonly habituated that the design of a software that is under development takes shape and grows while the system is being implemented, this is what in the article it is considered as evolutionary design, since by the definition it can also be seen as a way where the design is formed as the system evolves and grows. The article raises the differences between what this evolutionary design and what is the planned design, this second is what it was previously known as predesign and the main difference between both types of design is that in the case of evolutionary design the order does is not one of its characteristics; on the contrary, it is a style where chaos reigns and the development finds itself obstructed by how it gets clunkier as the project grows, whereas when you have a predesign paradigm, the system tends to be more ordered and development keeps flowing. The problematic driven by the fact that planned design is disappearing is due to the constant use of extreme programming, and bad practices cause by the urge to make “faster” developments presses programmers to use evolutionary design instead, because it is a practice that at first can simplify the creation of software.


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